Back to School Again
6 p.m.: Wow! The time flew by. I just had time to prepare for and teach my two classes. There wasn't much time to get caught up o other things. Oh, I did prepare copies of my syllabi for the department and little things like that, but I have a lot more to do. Maybe I can get caught up tomorrow.
10 p.m.: I have a huge steel desk in my office. The new desktop I made myself sits at a 90 degree angle to it, forming an L. Today I noticed the big desk is jammed right against the wall heater, which is not a good idea. I pushed and pulled the desk to move it an inch away from the wall. That worked OK, except that I think I strained a muscle in my back. It is bothering me tonight. Uh oh! I hope a good night's sleep takes care of that. Barbara and I went though bills tonight and figured out how much we could afford to pay on each. That is never fun. I still can't figure out how much the raise from the state is going to be. It is incredibly complicated.
Running: 3 miles