8 a.m.: I have been invited to lead a walking meditation in Wellfleet today in honor of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It is an honor.
My blood sugar was only 107 this morning. That is ideal! I am very pleased. I think the best readings are between 95 and 115. I wonder if it is the new medicine (Byetta) the new diet (Weight Watchers) or just a fluke. I had a very light supper last night and my blood sugar went too low. I felt weak and tested it. It was down to 88 at 9 p.m., which is too low, so I had some orange juice and an English muffin with peanut butter. I will have to keep checking it regularly to see what is going on, but I think this is very good news.
7 p.m. :The walking meditation in Wellfleet for Dr. King today was beautiful. It was sunny and frigid, but we all bundled up and smiled at the day. I included excerpts from Joanne Friday's moving tribute in my remarks before the walk, and my friend Joe DaLuz of the NAACP echoed similar sentiments back at the library after the walk. His wife Delores has sat with our sangha occasionally, and she seemed very pleased to see the connection between the two traditions. I also saw my old friend Barb Stineau, who used to sit with the sangha, along with her late husband Mort. Joe mentioned that Mort had been very active in the NAACP, and we all miss him.
In the late afternoon Barbara and I did "dump and groceries" -- we took all our trash to the town transfer station and did a week's worth of shopping. We bought much to much stuff. Just before dinner we got a call from our son Brandon. It was great to hear from him. It sounds like he is doing well down in Asheville.
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