Wet Wednesday
7 a.m.: Well I tried to go for a run, I really did. I was pouring down rain this morning, and I really didn't feel like going for a run, but I knew Vivi would be waiting for me, so I put on lots of layers and trudged out the door. But when I got to Vivi's house (two blocks away) her house was completely dark. I jogged back and forth in front of her house for a few minutes in the rain, feeling like a fool, and then realized she was being sensible. So I did a little loop around the block and headed back home. Maybe it was about a mile altogether. I kind of wish I had just stayed in bed.
I am still devastated by the death of my friend's son. I sent her a note in which I said I hope her faith can give her some comfort. I know she is a Roman Catholic. A mutual friend said her parish priest is a very good man who will be very comforting. But how can anyone provide comfort in the face of such a tragedy? I also mentioned in my note the Buddhist teaching that has most meaning to me.

We are all like waves on the ocean. When conditions are sufficient, a wave may appear. When conditions are no longer sufficient, a wave may return to the ocean from whence it came. Nothing is lost. Everything continues in another form.
Running: 1 mile
Jim - I know you wrote this with your friend in mind - but the teaching re waves brought some peace to my heart as well - thank you for sharing it.
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