2:30 p.m.: I am feeling a little better. I took Justin to work and went to my office to grade some papers. I got a couple of hours work done there, but I felt mighty tired, so I came home at lunchtime.
I stopped my Trader Joe's and picked up some soy yogurt and good healthy food.
When I got home there was a message form my poor wife, whose voice now sounds like mine. She is on a 1,000-mile trip and apparently is just as sick as me. I knew I was too sick to make the trip, but she is a few days behind me. I hope she can fight off this bug quickly.
I find I have a very hard time doing nothing. Just resting is difficult for me. I feel this compulsion to be constructive. The only time I can do nothing is when I am meditating. I guess I should meditate a whole lot in the next couple of days.
I also got a message from Mindy Todd,

host of the local public radio station inviting me to be on her talk show Thursday.
http://www.wgbh.org/cainan/ She wants to chat about the Sunshine law and freedom of information. I hope my voice is back in shape by then. Here is the blurb on her web site:
"March 16: Access to Public Records Linda Corcoran, Sunday Editor at the Cape Cod Times and James Kershner, Professor of Journalism at Cape Cod Community College discuss the Freedom of Information Act and public records."
The show is at 9:30 a.m. Thursday. The frequencies are: WCAI
90.1 fm, WNAN
91.1 fm and WZAI
94.3 fm, or you can listen online at
www.capeandislands.org, which takes you to the same site as the link above.