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Jim's blog

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Location: Osterville, Massachusetts, United States

I am a professor at Cape Cod Community College and and a member of a Buddhist order. After a 30-year career as a newspaper reporter and editor I became a full-time professor in 2001. I am the author of the textbooks "The Elements of News Writing" and "The Elements of Academic Writing." I enjoy running, hiking and camping. I have two grown sons and two grandchildren.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Tired Friday

It's 9:30 p.m., and I am too tired to write much. It was a hard day. I tried to calm things down on campus, and it looks like we will be able to move forward with a more constructive attitude and less bitterness. I hope so. Tomorrow I am speaking at a radio workshop. I am on a panel about radio news writing. Tonight, I am grateful for:

  • My friends. I have many friends who help and support me. When I criticized something my friend Dan said today, he thanked me. Now that's a good friend.
  • My sangha. The group of friends I practice with spiritually. Even when I make mistakes, I know they will help and support me too.
  • My health. Although I have been under the weather lately, I am still basically healthy, and that is a true blessing.

What happened to Thursday?

Whew! It is 3 a.m. Friday, and I couldn't sleep, so I am posting a blog for Thursday. I was too busy to blog all day. It started early and went on until very late. I had three classes, a couple meetings and tons of campus e-mail about the current uproar on campus over a reorganization. I am trying to concentrate on teaching and learning and stay out of the fray.
In my evening class on media history, we watched Good Night and Good Luck, which, of course, is about animportant episode i media history. I think it is a fine film, but I wish it had told a little more about Edward R. Murrow, who almost singlehandedly invented broadcast journaism. It jsut concentrated on one brief episode in his career, but I suppose it was a very telling episode. It certainly told the students a lot about television inteh 1950s.

Three things I am grateful for today:

  • My home: I have a lovely, safe and comfortable home that my wife and I designed ourselves. How lucky can a person get?
  • My laptop. This Dell Inspiron is working just fine. It sure is handy.
  • My students. I learn more from them than they learn from me. It is a wonderful relationship.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Division Wednesday

9 p.m.: Today at work we had a "Division meeting." It was a meeting of the faculty members of the Division of Arts and Sciences called by the dean of arts and sciences. Unfortunately the operative word was "division." We fell into a classic "us-against-them" mode, and I was no better than the rest. Even though it is my spiritual calling to resolve conflicts and be a peacemaker, I just couldn't do it today. The administration announced a reorganization plan that the faculty does not like, and the result was hostility and bitterness. It was not a fun day.

The important thing for me to focus on is teaching and learning. No amount of administrative reorganization is going to affect the way I teach my classes and the way I interact with my students. I just need to focus on that and try not to let the other stuff bother me.

I remember recently reading a blog where the blogger consistently wrote a list of things for which she was grateful. (I think it was a female writer, although I am not sure.) If anyone reads this and also remembers the gratitude blogger, please let me know. I think it is a terrific idea. I'll try for three things.
  • I am grateful for my practice. By that I mean my Buddhist spiritual practice, which gives me peace, solidity, tranquility and happiness.
  • I am grateful for my job. Even though I had a terrible day at work in some respects today, I also know I helped some students. It is a joy to get paid for doing something you love.
  • I am grateful for my family. I am blessed to have a wonderful wife and to have two sons who are good men. I have a terrific mother in law and daughter in law, both of whom are not at all like the cliche jokes about in-laws. I am particularly thrilled to have a wonderful little grandson, who I love more than I ever could have imagined. My brother and his family are important to me. And My wife's siblings and their families are wonderful too. I love being a part of my wife's extended family, including some cousins who are closer to me than my own cousins. I am a lucky guy.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Tough Tuesday

9:30 p.m.: It's been a long day. I dropped off shirts at the cleaners and got to work before 9. I taught a class at 10 and another at 2:30. I stayed at work until 7 p.m., entering grades and taking care of business like that. Now I am exhausted.

I had a nice e-mail exchange with my friend Steve Klein, who teaches journalism at George Mason University. I congratulated him on his school's amazing unexpected success in the NCAA basketball tournament. Nobody ever expected George Mason to make it to the Final Four. It's a real Cinderella story. I thanked him for the green "MASON" T-shirt he gave me last summer. He sent me this picture of the university president with the team mascot -- Gunston. I happen to know that Gunston Hall is the name of George Mason's home on the Potomac River. You could see it from my childhood summer home on the Maryland side of the river. But I have no idea what kind of creature Gunston is supposed to be! Anyway I hope George Mason University continues its winning streak, even at the expense of Florida, where my brother teaches. Those Florida Gators have plenty of trophies already. It's time to let an underdog win. Maybe that's what Gunston is -- an underdog!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Monday, Monday

10 p.m.: I'm too tired to write much, but it was quite a day. I decided to call in sick today for several reasons. First of all, I am still feeling lingering effects from my bronchitis, and have a very low energy level. Secondly, I needed to get a whole lot of papers graded, and I know that doesn't happen in my campus office. Also my wife and her mother and even more seriously ill than me, so I thought it best to stay home and take care of them.

Early in the morning we were hit with a crisis, in that Mom was very weak and unwell. She seemed to be declining quickly. At 87 in a person with congestive heart failure, that is not a good thing. We called her doctor, who recommended getting in-home oxygen delivered to our home. We all agreed that taking her to the hospital might be too upsetting to her. It might do more harm than good. Fortunately the oxygen truck came by early afternoon, and she improved quickly after that. Actually, she had started to improve a little before it arrived. We don't know what the morning crisis was all about, but fortunately it passed.

Barbara, of course, rallied and ignored her own bronchitis to take care of her mother. I pitched in with chores like dishes and laundry, in addition to grading a ton of papers. Late in the evening, Barbara helped me with the papers. It was not a fun day for anyone, but we all made it through.

One bright spot was hearing from our son Brandon who reported that he has moved into employee housing at the Pisgah Inn, where he and his brother both work. He sounded happy, and that makes us happy. He has a steady job that he enjoys, and he even got a raise for this season. Who could ask for anything more?

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sunny Sunday

11 a.m.: Yippee! Yahoo! Oh boy-oh-boy!
This morning Barbara picked up the mail that was delivered yesterday. It included a royalty check for sales of my textbook from July through December. I was astonished. They sold another 1,544 books, so I got a check for $4,251! It is like found money, since I never expected to make money off of the book. I am overjoyed. I wish I could go buy something extravagant, but I had better just pay off some bills. Anyway, it is an unexpected delight.

10 p.m.: The day continued to go well. I concentrated on the Cape Sangha, our meditation group. We are planning a Day of Mindfulness on April 22, and I spend much of the afternoon planning, organizing and writing a press release. Then at 3 we had out discussion group, followed by the regular sangha sitting at 4:30. Both went very well. Although I have a lot of things on my plate, it certainly helps when I concentrate on one subject at a time.

Tomorrow the subject of the day of grading papers.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Clean-up Day

11 p.m.: I should be asleep by now.
I did a lot of cleaning today. We cleaned up the cat box area and collected all the trash form the house and I took a whole load to the dump -- which, of course, is a recycling and transfer station. Then I met some students in the student newspaper office and we cleaned out that office. We removed all the back issues, saved out five copies of each, and took the rest down to a big recycling dumpster. It was actually fun. We had food and music, and the students seemed to really enjoy it.

In the evening we watched the film Crash. I really like it. I saw it first last Thursday night when one of the students brought it in to out mass media class. Movies are part of the mass media, and we had been discussing the Oscars, so it was relevant to the class. I was very impressed with it then and even more impressed the second time. The characters seem simple at first, but they just keep getting more and more complex -- just like real people. Just when you think you understand someone in the film, there is another complication. The film has many layers, and I want to see it a third time to see even more. I agree that it was the best film of the year.

Friday, March 24, 2006


9 p.m.: At least I get to sleep in tomorrow!
Ideally, I like to get up at 6 a.m. every morning, but I have been so tired and run down from this lingering illness, that I just want more sleep. This morning I slept until 6:30, and then had breakfast and spent a little time on chores like laundry and dishes. Barbara and her mom are still very sick with the same bronchitis I had last week. It's tough.
At work, I had a good class and a couple of good meetings with students. I got a few items checked off my to do list, including finally getting the Blackboard Web site for my on-line class all updated through May. If my current students looked ahead to the last few weeks they would have seen references to last semester's dates. I finally got that all corrected. I also rewrote parts with fewer references to dates, so that it will be easier to update next semester. And I graded some more papers.
I also deleted a couple items from my list by simply deciding not to do them I had wanted to apply to go to the U.S. Peace Institute this summer. But I do not have the time to apply this week, and I don't really have the time to go to the institute over the summer if I were selected. I recognize that I am trying to do too many things, and I have to start eliminating some of them.
I need to prioritize and let some things go. But I can't let go of my family, my sangha, my work, and so I still have a very full life. It will seem easier when I am healthier.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Long, Hard Thursday

6 p.m.: It's been a long day, and I still have my evening class to teach. I shouldn't complain though. The two day classes were fun and games. I took both classes on a "haiku hike." We went for a silent walk around campus and then returned to the classroom to write haiku. I even pretended it had something to do with the curriculum! Actually the skill of writing short succinct messages is very important for both English Composition and Journalism, so it is relevant. But mostly it was a lot of fun.
But now I have a night class, and I am very tired.
I'll make it.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Weary Wednesday

10 p.m.: Wow! Another rough day: My wife and her mother now officially have the same combination I had: bronchitis and sinusitis. I worked all day and then came home to take care of them. Whew!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tired Tuesday

Too tired to blog today.
I taught two classes and went to a Trustees Meeting.
Barbara and Mom got home about 7 p.m.
They were tired. I was tired. We all went to bed early.

Very Busy Monday

Monday was amazingly busy. I didn't even have time to write in my blog.
Let's see. I got up at 6 and meditated (good for me). Then I took Justin to work and Jessi to school. I got ready for my mass communication class, and then updated the online class, went to the school newspaper meeting, and then prepared for College meeting. At the meeting I had to make three different committee reports since I serve on three different committees.
During the presentation for the NCBI (National Coalition Building Institute), I added a spontaneous tribute to my colleague and teammate Jeanmarie that stimulated a round of applause for her from the whole group. That was a special moment, and I think it made us all feel very good.
I had to leave the meeting before it ended to pick up Justin so we could both go pick up Mom's car, which is finally out of the shop. It cost $900 to buy her a used transmission. Yikes!
Today (Tuesday) I need to continue my focus on the on-line update)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Mindful Sunday

10 a.m.: I want so much to be completely healthy, but something is still not quite right. This morning the conjunctivitis had spread from my right eye to my left eye, and I had a cough. Uh oh. I used alcohol swabs to wipe down my keyboard and the doorknobs. I have been washing my hands frequently.

I will relax and take it easy today and see how I feel tomorrow.

noon: Just thinking... I need to get back on track. I need to get more productive to accomplish the things on my to do list. The best way to do that is to roll out of bed at 6 a.m. and get right on my cushion and meditate. Then I can hit the ground mindfully and accomplish more. I think I should check my list of things to do each evening and set one top priority for the next day. Maybe I should start thinking of tomorrow's top priority.

11 p.m.: I have figured out tomorrow's top priority. It is my on-line class. I need to update the Web site and send the class another message. But before I get to that I need to start off the morning by preparing for my morning class. I will need to print out the lesson plan and weekly quiz for the mass communication class. And, of course, I have a long list of things to do. But tomorrow I will focus on updating the on-line class.

The sangha this afternoon was beautiful. We had a large group -- 20 people, but it was the quality, rather than the quantity that pleased me most. I think it was a period of deep and profound practice. I was happy to be there.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Bright Saturday

1 p.m.: The sun seems unusually clear and bright today. Perhaps it is because I am finally feeling better.
Last night I went to an excellent lecture about Buddhism. It was part of a weekly lecture series sponsored by the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole. The speaker was Dr. David Eckel, associate professor of religion, Boston University. He has degrees from Oxford and Harvard and has traveled throughout the Buddhist world. His talk was illustrated with very interesting slides of Buddhist art. HE presented "Four Ways to Tell the Story of the Buddha," in a very interesting way.

OK, to be honest, maybe I am not completely better. During the talk Friday night I did have trouble with my eyes clouding over. This morning my eyes were crusted over when I awoke (yuk). So I looked up conjunctivitis on the Web and got the idea I should see a doctor. Another substitute was covering for my regular doctor, it being Saturday. He said secondary infections were common with sinus infections and bronchitis, but not usually after a week on antibiotics. He gave me some antiniotic eyedrops and said to check in with Dr. T. if things don't improve in a few days.

Friday, March 17, 2006

All better! St. Patrick's Day

11 a.m.: I am feeling much better today, so I think I will just declare myself well. It is a beautiful sunny day on Cape Cod. Today is a state holiday in Massachusetts. One might think it is because of St. Patrick's Day, but the anti-Irish crowd in the statehouse apparently balked at teh idea of making it a state holiday, so they compromised and made March 17 "Evacuation Day," in honor of the day the British evacuated Boston in the Revolutionary War.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Bronchitis Day Seven (On the Radio)

11:30 a.m.: After gargling with salt water and drinking tea with honey, I did my bit on the radio talk show this morning, and I think it went fine. The half hour went by very quickly. The host, Mindy Todd, and the other guest, Linda Corcoran, Sunday editor of the Cape Cod Times, were both friendly and well-informed. We talked about the importance of public access to public records not just for journalists, but for the general public. It was fun.
I heard from my wife, Barbara, who is still stranded in Virginia, trying to make her way to North Carolina. This morning they are replacing the wheel bearings and master brake cylinder in the van. Then she hopes to be on her way for the last three hours to Asheville. I feel so helpless up here unable to do anything to assist her.
My blood sugar was high this morning, but that is because I drank tea with honey last night to try to rehabilitate my voice.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Bronchitis Day Six (almost better)

4 p.m.: I worked for a couple of hours in the office today, and I am feeling much better. Unfortunately Barbara is stuck with a bad cold getting the car repaired halfway to North Carolina. I wish I could help.
I heard from Karen, and old friend who used to work with me at the Carliele Evening Sentinel newspaper in 1979. It brought back a flood of good memories.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Bronchitis Day Five (Tuesday)

2:30 p.m.: I am feeling a little better. I took Justin to work and went to my office to grade some papers. I got a couple of hours work done there, but I felt mighty tired, so I came home at lunchtime.
I stopped my Trader Joe's and picked up some soy yogurt and good healthy food.
When I got home there was a message form my poor wife, whose voice now sounds like mine. She is on a 1,000-mile trip and apparently is just as sick as me. I knew I was too sick to make the trip, but she is a few days behind me. I hope she can fight off this bug quickly.
I find I have a very hard time doing nothing. Just resting is difficult for me. I feel this compulsion to be constructive. The only time I can do nothing is when I am meditating. I guess I should meditate a whole lot in the next couple of days.
I also got a message from Mindy Todd, host of the local public radio station inviting me to be on her talk show Thursday. http://www.wgbh.org/cainan/ She wants to chat about the Sunshine law and freedom of information. I hope my voice is back in shape by then. Here is the blurb on her web site:
"March 16: Access to Public Records Linda Corcoran, Sunday Editor at the Cape Cod Times and James Kershner, Professor of Journalism at Cape Cod Community College discuss the Freedom of Information Act and public records."
The show is at 9:30 a.m. Thursday. The frequencies are: WCAI 90.1 fm, WNAN 91.1 fm and WZAI 94.3 fm, or you can listen online at www.capeandislands.org, which takes you to the same site as the link above.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Bronchitis: Day Four

3:30 p.m.: I am taking the antibiotics and using the sprays and inhalers, but I still don't feel any better. I did get up and do some errands this morning, including taking Mom's car to the transmission shop, but then I was pretty much exhausted. I guess it takes a while. It is so similar to what happened in October. I guess I just have to keep resting. I am such a Type-A driven kind of guy I find it hard to do nothing.

This is from a random blog I found called, "Things that go .. wrrrr wrrrr bonk bonk" http://jacobrepp.blogspot.com/
Something to try
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the 5th sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal...along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around for the "coolest" book you can find. Do what's actually next to you.
(His sentence was, "Neither the cashier nor the customer would be able to leave until the "transaction" is completed." From The Best Software Writing I
My sentence was:
"When I go to the courthouse, I consider anybody who talks as a source -- from the janitor to the people who sell coffee."

From Writing and Reporting News (3rd edition) by Carole Rich. That was the closest book. (Well, actually The Elements of Style was right next to it, but it doesn't have 123 pages.)


Sunday, March 12, 2006

Mindfully ailing

3 p.m.: Sunday is my day of mindfulness, so I will try to apply my Buddhist practice to my day today. In the present moment, I still feel very weak, but I think I am getting stronger. My family has been packing up and getting ready for their trip. I feel bad that I cannot go along, but I am also looking forward to the solitude.
9 p.m.: The peace and quiet is nice, but a little lonely. I'm going to get a good night's sleep tonight

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Still Under the Weather

7:30 p.m.: I tried to rally this afternoon. I had an appointment for a haircut, so I got up, got dressed and drove to the barber shop. By the time I got home, I was completely exhausted and wheezing. So I went back to bed. I guess I won't be able to do much of anything for a few days.

The biggest disappointment is that I had planned to going down to North Carolina to visit my grandson (and his parents) this week, but I am definitely not well enough to travel. I'll need to stay home and rest. Barbara and her mom will drive Brandon down there and return in a week while I rest up. I am trying hard to just go with the flow and not get angry about being sick. That doesn't help with recovery.

11 p.m.: Before retiring for the night I checked my blog again. For no particular reason I wondered if anyone had left a comment, and there, to my surprise, was the lovely note from So Daiho Hilbert-roshi, a Zen abbot I have never met. What a wonderful gift for a person who is a stranger to me to wish me well and remind me of the importance of our practice in our health. I had already posted the earlier note about truing not to get angry, but now I am reminded of the importance of "watering the good seeds," as Thich Nhat Hanh would say. I will do my evening practice with great joy tonight. May all beings be well and free from suffering.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Uh oh. I'm sick

I knew something was wrong when I was too weak to go for my morning run. When I got to work I was too weak to walk up the stairs. After I had a coughing fit, my colleague Cindy said if I didn't call my doctor, she would. So I did. My regular doctor was out, but her very able colleague heard my cough and said he didn't even need a stethoscope "to hear that bronchitis." But he did use his stethoscope and lots of other tools before deciding I had both bronchitis and a sinus infection. He proscribed an antibiotic and some bronchio-dilators. I went home finally feeling justified in feeling bad. I'll try to get a lot of rest.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Too much to do Thursday

11:30 a.m.: This morning I had another good run. Unfortunately, my Weight Watchers weigh-in did not go well. I gained weight again, despite my best efforts. I think it is because I had to get up at 11 p.m. and have a bowl of cereal and two oranges. My blood sugar was too low. So my plan is to reduce the medication I take with dinner, so that I don't get that recurring problem in the late evenings. My doctor already suggested that, but I thought I still needed it. Sometimes adjusting the diabetes medication take some trial and error.
(104/175) Running: 3 miles

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Weary Wednesday

9 p.m.: I was too busy to write anything today. I did get up and run with Vivian, which was great! The sky was a beautiful blue with soem red and yellow clouds in the east. As we ran past the marsh there was a flock of redwing blackbirds singing. I am so glad I went for a run. But then I was flat out all day long with classes, meetings and grading. I feel like I am coming down with a cold. I had a couple cups of Echinacea tea. I hope that staves it off. I am very tired this evening.
(210/171) Running: 3 miles

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Busy Tuesday

9 a.m.: I had hoped to get an early start this morning, but I was very, very tired, so I just slept in and dashed off to work. I guess I'll get caught up eventually. It seems I can get caught up on sleep or get caught up on work, but not both!
9 p.m.: Whew! It was a long day at work. I did get a lot of work done. In addition to teaching two classes, I got a memo written for my committee work, and I got some grades recorded and papers graded. There is still a lot to do before spring break next week, but I made a dent in it.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Sunny Monday

2 p.m.: Another good and busy day. I got up at 6 and meditated. Then I went to an early morning appointment and headed for school. The morning class went well. I have a ton of paperwork to get caught up on.
8 p.m.: Here are three new photographs of our grandson Nathaniel taken by my wife Barbara during his recent visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house:

Nathaniel Alexander Kershner at eight months, February 2006.

Photos by Barbara J. Kershner

I'm a newspaperman like my grandfather.

I like the feel of this rug.

My green buddy and I are ready for a car ride.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Living in the Present Moment

9 p.m.: Today was a day for me to be mindful and practice mindfulness. I graded some papers in the morning and then conducted the sangha in the afternoon. A reporter from The Register newspaper attended the sangha and interviewed me and several other members. I am looking forward to his story. This evening I am watching the Academy Awards. I hope Brokeback Mountain wins the best film, although I have not seen any of the other nominated films.
Thanks to my practice of mindfulness I have felt calm and peaceful all day.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

...And I Ran!

2 p.m.: Yes!
This morning I went for a good run. Alison called around 10 and suggested a run. We met at 11 and ran from her house to Johnny Kelley Park and back -- about five miles. The park is named for the late Johnny Kelley, who lived in Dennis for many years before his death in 2004. He was a great runner and a very nice man. This photo shows him in front of the statue honoring him at Heartbreak Hill on the Boston Marathon course. The statue depicts him as a young man winning it and as an old man who continued to run it into his 80s. I ran in a few races on Cape Cod with him, and he was always friendly and kind. After I ran the Johnny Kelley Road Race in 2002 I asked him to autograph my race number, and it is hanging on my bulletin board right beside me now. Anyway, I had a terrific run today. Actually it is cheating to say I ran five miles because I had to stop and run a couple of times. That is not like me, but I guess I am woefully out of shape compared to "usually." But the important thing is that I am back on the road again. I know I will get stronger and faster each time I run, as long as I keep it up. I feel confident I can do it. The weather should be improving too. We still have a few inches of snow on the ground, but Alison and I ran along a nice sidewalk/bike path that had been cleared pretty well. The temperature was above freezing, so the footing was good. I feel terrific about running.
After the run we went to Buckie's Biscotti, http://www.buckiesbiscotti.com/ a wonderful little bakery in Dennis, Mass., where they have a great chai tea latte with soy milk. I also splurged and had a cinnamon roll.

10 p.m.: Barbara and I went to the movies tonight. On the way, I measured the run I did this morning, and it was more than five miles, so I don't feel bad at all. We went to see Brokeback Mountain, which was very powerful. I thought the acting, directing, cinematiography and screenplay were all excellent. I also found it extremely disturbing personally. I don't think any heterosexual man can sit comfortably and watch such a credible and sensitive love story between two men without feeling a little uncomfortable. It is a powerful look at the attitudes we all have deep in our psyches about sexuality. I also loved the short story by Annie Proulx. I remember reading it in the New Yorker years ago, when it was first published. I was so impressed with her writing that I made copies of it and gave it to my fellow writing professors. I think the film honored the short story.
(120/171) Running 5 miles

Friday, March 03, 2006

I Meditated!

10 p.m.: I had a wonderful day today, and I am convinced it is because I did my morning practice today. I got up and sat in silent sitting meditation for half an hour. It was wonderful. It felt wonderful at the time, and it felt wonderful all day long.
I shoveled my car out, with Barbara's help, and picked up Jesse and went in to school and taught my morning class. The students were not very responsive, but that didn't bother me. I had a lot of work to catch up on, but that didn't bother me. After class, two students were waiting for me, and that didn't bother me. I was able to help them both. I had a lunch meeting of the NCBI team, and that was delightful. The college president sat with us and that was nice too. After that I worked on the financial statement for the college newspaper, and that is not my strong point. But because of my practice I was patient enough to work it out. I came home for dinner and then went to the synagogue for our interfaith service. That was delightful. It is amazing how much we all have in common.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


11:15: What is wrong with me? I know I am happier if I meditate every day. I teach people they will be happier if they meditate every day. I tell my students they will be happier if they meditate every day. And yet I felt like I was behind schedule and needed to save time this week, so I skipped meditation Monday and Tuesday. Then I just got lazy and skipped it for no reason Wednesday and Thursday. So at 9:30 this morning, while my colleague Cindy and I were talking about meeting times for various committees I found myself saying, "I feel like throwing myself down on the floor, holding my breath and kicking my feet and fists." She asked if she could take a photograph of that. But the point is that I start feeling stressed out if I do not meditate. So I shall do it every morning form now on. I will also take a few minutes to do it right now.
I just repeated the story above to Lora Ziemba, a wonderful yoga teacher who also teaches reading here.
"Sometimes we are humbled," she said, "Into taking our own advice."
6:30 p.m.: The snow started falling around noon, and we have about six inches by now. The campus shut down at 3:30, so my evening class was canceled. I went to an Interfaith Coalition council meeting, and the drive home, which should have taken 20 minutes, took about an hour the roads were icy and treacherous. Another reason I was upset this morning was probably because the Weight Watchers weigh in said I was up three pounds again. Up and down. Up and down.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Even Busier Wednesday

9:30: Yikes! What a day. I definitely have to resume my morning routine of running and meditation. When i skip it, I seem to get less accomplished. I slept until 7:30 and then had breakfast, picked up Jessi, picked up my shirts, got to school at 9 and taught mass comm. Then i had a department meeting, followed by a lunch meeting of us adjuncts for the Suffolk University program. I barely made it back in time for Journalism 2. After that I tried to get all my on-line papers corrected, but only got through four or five of them and it was after 7 p.m. So I came home, had dinner and then played a fun game of "Gimme Five" with my son, wife and mother-in-law. The women beat the men two games to zip, but they were close games. I didn't realize that the grilled cheese sandwiches I ordered for lunch would be 13 points on the Weight Watchers scale. That put me five points over my weekly allowance. I'll probably record a weight gain, instead of loss on the scale tomorrow morning, but that's OK. I know the long-range trend is still down. I'll do better next week.

Added later: I am going to try to change the photo in my profile to a more recent one. If I understand it correctly, I have to post it here first, so it has a URL. Here goes my attempt:

Well, It changed the photo if you go to "View my complete profile," but it didn't update the one that appears at the top of the blog. What's that about?
OK, a few minutes later, it did. I got my new photo!
