Quick, fierce blizzard
Friday had amazing weather. The morning was mostly rain and wind, with very little snow.
I stopped by the VNA and got instructions for injecting my new diabetes medicine it is very simple and easy. School went well. The student with the incomplete finished up her work on time -- albeit just barely. Around 2:20 it was clear and sunny. I went to a doctor's appointment. When I got out at 3:45, there were blizzard conditions. The snow was coming sideways in winds that gusted at 60 mph. I stopped to buy gas at a station that lost power just as I got there.
Fortunately I found a second station that still had power. But then the power went out all over Cape Cod. There were trees and power lines out all over. There were three detours on the way home, so the 20-minute drive took more than an hour and a half. This Cape Cod Times photo by Steve Heaslip hints at the whiteout conditions on Cape Cod. I arrived home to a dark house. Barbara had candles and oil lamps set out. Out gas stove worked, so we had hot soup for dinner. We all went to bed early, bundled under lots and lots of blankets, since our gas furnace needs electricity to run. The power finally came back on about 3:30 a.m.
I stopped by the VNA and got instructions for injecting my new diabetes medicine it is very simple and easy. School went well. The student with the incomplete finished up her work on time -- albeit just barely. Around 2:20 it was clear and sunny. I went to a doctor's appointment. When I got out at 3:45, there were blizzard conditions. The snow was coming sideways in winds that gusted at 60 mph. I stopped to buy gas at a station that lost power just as I got there.

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