Press-run party
Saturday was the annual (sort of) press run party. I invited all the students from three classes, so there is the potential of 40 students. I expect about a dozen.
My blood sugar was high this morning. Ii need to remember to check it every day. I want to start running soon.
In the afternoon I went shopping and picked up a large assortment of sodas and juices for the party. I also got mixed nuts and a fruit salad. We will order pizza when everyone arrives.
Later I had a wonderful talk with Joanne Friday, who is my mentor in the Order of Interbeing. We talked about the three aspirants that she and I plan to mentor together. It is not about reading books or things like that; it is about the practice.
I am filled with gratitude now.
The evening was wonderful. We had about 10 students over to out house for pizza and a movie ("The Paper") I think everyone had a good time. At 10:30 we headed for the Cape Cod Times, and four more students met us there. We watched them put together the paper and put it to bed. Then at 11:30 we went to the press, which is located about two miles away. IN all the previous visits, we used to follow a courier who carried negatives from one office to the other. But now it is all done electronically, and a computer connection sends the page directly to a plate-making machine. That is a big time-saver. Then we waited through some technical delays and finally got to see the huge Goss Metro offset press roar into action. The students were suitably impressed. I got home about 1 a.m. and slept until nearly noon Sunday.
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